I am a Divine and Beautiful Being

I Am a Divine and Beautiful Being

I choose to live each moment with appreciation and complete acceptance of my own Divinity and beauty.

I choose to appreciate and accept the beauty in all beings and the perfect divinity in each moment. 

I open my heart to the possibility of Love and benefit from every being and each moment.

I purge myself of all doubt, negativity, judgmental tendencies, guilt, panic, and fearful thinking.

I always seek that which I need to grow, to bud, to bloom, to blossom, to fruit, to bear seed.

I dare to draw into myself the positive manifestation of each trial and difficulty; the rightness of every lesson. 

I breathe deeply and savor the love and benefit that surrounds and embraces my life as I live it each moment.

I forgive myself with every breath I take and renew my transformative intentions with every beat of my heart.

I glory in the goodness and rightness of all that I encounter and all that I Am.

I Am a Divine and Beautiful Being.

-Donna Henes