Letting go... let go.... let go... ok now... let go....
Letting go is one of the many lessons we have to learn in order to flow with life... I know by experience it's not easy, in my life i've had to let go many times... i've had to let go of my country, my family, my friends, my lovers... oh the lovers... that's one of the worst.... I often hang on so tightly to the dreams, to the fairytale... that I loose touch with reality... but now I'm helping myself with Crystals, visit mydivinepower.com
It takes a lot of strenght to see the Big picture AS IT IS, and not as I would like it to be...
It takes a lot of humbleness to loose my huuuuuuge EGO (wich usually gets on the way) and see with a higher perspective that this is just an important life lesson I have to learn in order to grow.
Life is a journey, each of us has to find its own path, but if I can give you some advice of my own, what I have done in this low times (and i have had many) is to keep my Faith in the Universe, to know that this too shall pass, to understand that this is just another lesson I need to learn, and my faith helps me find the courage and the strenght to move on, to allow the goodies that are waiting for me at every turn.
We are Loved, the Universe is ALWAYS on our side. Trust the Universe and Let Go.
I love this scene from the movie "Finding Nemo" ¡I love Dory! Im a lot like her, always positive and smiling in the worst situations... but it's because of my faith... and from the knowledge from the lessons i have learned in my past, that out of this situation only good will come. And that Everything is gonna be alright.
"Im grateful for my painful times, because they are my greatest teachers"
Lots of Love,
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