Find yourself a Lover!
by Jorge Bucay
Many people have a lover and others would like to have it. And then there are those who do not, or who had it and lost it. And they are usually the last two, those that come to my office to say they're sad or have other symptoms such as insomnia, lack of will, pessimism, crying spells or more pains.
They tell me that their lives pass in a monotone and without expectations, working just to survive and do not know how to fill their free time. In short words, they're truly hopeless.
Before telling me this, they had already visited other clinics where they received sympathy from a reliable diagnosis: "Depression" and the inevitable shift of the antidepressant prescription. Then, after that I listen, I tell them that they do not need an antidepressant, that what they really need: IS A LOVER.
It is incredible to see the look in their eyes when they receive my verdict. There are some who think: How is it that a professional is dispatched happily with a suggestion so unscientific! And then there are those who say goodbye shocked and do not return anymore. To those who decide to stay and not leave frightened by the board, I give the following definition: A lover is, "What excites us". What occupies our thoughts before falling asleep and who also sometimes keeps us from sleeping. Our lover is what makes us distracted against the environment. What lets us know that life has meaning and motivation.
Sometimes we find our lover in our partner. In other cases, in someone who is not our partner.
We also often find it in scientific research, literature, music, politics, sports, at work when it is vocational, on the need to transcend spiritually, friendship, good food, study, or the obsessive pleasure of a hobby...
In short, it is "someone" or "something" that puts us "in love with life" and sets us apart from the sad destiny of lingering. And what is linger? Linger is to be afraid to live. It's dedicating to spy how others live, its to take blood pressure, wandering around doctors, taking multicolored prescriptions, staying away from gratification, watching with disappointment each new wrinkle the mirror reflects us, bewaring of hot, cold, heat, humidity, sun and rain.
Linger is to postpone the opportunity to enjoy TODAY, citing the uncertain and fragile argument that perhaps we can do it tomorrow. Please do not get stuck in linger, find a lover, be a lover, and the leading actress... of Life.
Think that the tragedy is not to die, after all death has a good memory and never forgot anyone.
What's tragic is not being willing to live; so in the meantime and without doubt, get a lover!....
Psychology after studying a lot about the subject discovered something important:
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